Questioning Everything

One learns about themselves by questioning themselves. I'm here to learn.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Haunted House

  Do you believe in ghosts or evil spirits?  Would you be willing to spend the night in a remote house that is supposedly haunted?


Long answer short
Yes, I do believe, and hell yes I would.

Short answer long

 I do believe in ghosts and spirits.  Even "evil" spirits;  Not, however, in the sense of the Devil and Hell.  Just like there are evil people alive in this world, I believe that some spirits retain that after they pass.  I believe in reincarnation, but I also believe there are many different layers, or "realms" if you will, that are a part of the reincarnations.  Sometimes I think the veil between these layers can become thin.  I also believe in a form of "guardian angel".  I think that in between lifetimes, there can be something of a "waiting period".  In this waiting period, I think that the soul retains memory of all the lifetimes it has lived, and can "touch" us down here, helping to guide in times of need, lend comfort, etc..  These, and instances like them, are where our "ghosts" come from. 

My beliefs on life, death, reincarnation, and the whole cycle behind it all is a bit complex.  It may wind up as a post of its own, eventually.  =)

As for the haunted house, there would be no difficulty in convincing me to stay at one.  As a matter of fact, one of the things I would love to do eventually (I'm thinking after retirement, just for time's sake) is to take a trip of the country and stay only in reportedly haunted sites.  I do not fear entities that visit us or remain here in our realm.  I think the danger mostly lies within our own minds, and with our inner fears;  Not with the spirit itself, regardless of how tricky they are. 

"The Book of Questions" by Gregory Stock, PH.D.


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